Daniel Duggan captivated our students with an interactive performance of his Release the Rhythm show on Monday, March 9.  Daniel is an expert percussionist with an B.Mus Honors degree in Jazz music. His profile on Artstarts.com says “He has a rich and varied background; his ancestors in West Africa were taken as slaves to the colonies before immigrating to the U.K. which gives him a rich heritage in West African drumming and the migration of this music and culture around the world.”

Following the show each of the three classes had a one hour workshop with Daniel.  The workshops were hands on engaging sessions with every participant energetically taking part on their instrument.  The students were introduced to the Djembe, Agogo Bells, the Caxixi, the Cajon, the Ganza and the Claves.  Thank you to the After School Sport and Art program for bringing Daniel to the school.